It is the nature of the tree to grow towards the sky, raising it's branches to the sun, holding it's head high. It takes upon itself the responsibility to provide shade for those needing a respite from the hot sun's rays.
It provides homes and safety for a multitude of smaller beings, from small animals and birds to the smallest ant.
The tree sets it's feet to the brown earth and holds on tight for all the beings that are depending on it to survive.
Never asking anything for itself, it provides beauty, shade, food and security for all the time it stands, so is it's nature.
The nature of man can be the same as the tree. Man has options. The tree is programed by God. Man can be strong providing shelter, security, and sustenance, but God has added love to man's nature. Man has control over his nature, the tree does not. Man can choose also to be uncaring, untouched, selfish, and destructive.
The difference is in the programing. The tree is programed by God from it's beginning to all it's usefulness and goodness, but man must choose to be programed by God. The nature of man must acquire the nature of God before he can become an instrument of usefulness.
Written by: Patty Bunn